Understanding the Basics
Looking for information related to your business to complete your application?
Here is some guidance that may help.
Louisiana Secretary of State Charter #:
LA Secretary of State Charter # can be found by clicking “Search for Louisiana Business Filings” on the LA Secretary of State website at: https://sos.la.gov/. Sole Proprietors may enter “N/A” if the Business is not registered with the LA Secretary of State.
Louisiana Department of Revenue Account #:
The LA Department of Revenue Account Number for the Business can be found on the first page of your Louisiana income tax return, Louisiana sales tax return, or Louisiana employer withholding form. The format for the account # is #######-001 for Partnerships, LLCs, and Corporations. Please enter first 7 digits prior to “-001”. For Sole Proprietors, enter your SSN (###-##-####).
LA Workforce Commission Employer ID #:
You can take the following steps to locate your Louisiana Unemployment Account number:
(1) Log in to your Louisiana Wage and Tax account (LAWATS) at https://laors2.laworks.net/lawats//
(2) Locate your Unemployment Account Number on the Annual U.I. Contribution Rate notice (LWC 1059F) OR locate your Unemployment Account Number on your Louisiana Taxable Liability Determination Letter ( LWC-ES63)
Quick Relief Calculations:
For example calculation, click here.