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Complaints are expression of displeasure, grief, regret or resentment. Dispute is a conflict, active disagreement, argument about personal rights, public policy or law issues.

The Bottom Line:
Everyone wants to be heard and respected. We advocate for Louisiana Divorce Mediation based on fundamental belief that individuals can resolve disputes when provided skilled guidance and legal rights support. Louisiana Divorce Mediation can resolve divorce conflict with quick, fair legal justice.

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Louisiana Legal Rights


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Several incentives exist for selecting Louisiana Divorce Mediation over traditional court, saving time, money and headaches.

Louisiana Mediation is Better than Traditional Divorce Court

First, Louisiana Divorce Mediator fees are less than a lawyer, plus you avoid court costs. The Divorce Mediation process takes much less time than moving a case through traditional divorce court litigation. A court case may take months to finalize a divorce. Louisiana Divorce Mediation cases achieve uncontested divorce settlement in two or three meetings saving money with less stress and anxiety.

Second, Louisiana Divorce Mediation is a confidential process. Divorce Court hearings generally happen in public. Whatever happens in Mediation remains strictly confidential. Only the parties to the divorce settlement and Divorcee Mediator knows what has been said in the mediation forum. Mediation confidentiality is held in high importance in most legal systems. Louisiana Divorce Mediator cannot be force to testify in court about the content or details of the mediation. Many mediators actually destroy their notes once the mediation has finished. The only exceptions to strict confidentiality usually involves child abuse or criminal acts.

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Louisiana Legal Rights

Third, Louisiana Divorce Mediation offers multiple and flexible possibilities for resolving divorce conflict. In divorce court cases, judgment is thrust upon the parties by judge and lawyers. In Louisiana Divorce Mediation, parties have voluntary control over the divorce settlement, and the resolution does not have to conform to standard law or prior divorce cases. If parties change their mind after the mediation proceedings have begun, and decide not to continue, they are free to cease the process without coming to resolution. Often, mediation settlements developed by parties are solutions that judge or lawyers do not divorcing provide. Louisiana Divorce Mediation is more likely to produce a mutually agreeable win/win for the parties. And, because divorce settlement is attained by both parties working together, compliance with the mediated agreement is usually high. This results in less costs, because parties do not have to retain lawyers to force compliance with the divorce settlement agreement. The mediated agreement is fully enforceable in Louisiana Court of law just like any other law court settlement.

Fourth, Louisiana Divorce Mediation process consists of a mutual endeavor. Unlike law court negotiations where parties are often entrenched in their positions, parties in mediation usually seek out solutions. They are more willing to discuss resolving conflict than working against one another. The mediation parties are amenable to understanding the other party's side and work on underlying conflict issues. The added benefit is preserving the relationship the parties had before the divorcing conflict occurred.

Fifth, Louisiana Divorce Mediation takes place with a trained divorce mediator who is a neutral third party. The Divorce Mediator is trained in conflict resolution and knows how to handle difficult situations. Louisiana Divorce Mediator works with both the emotional relationship aspects and facts of the case. The Mediator, as a neutral, provides no legal advice, but guides the parties through the conflict solving process. The Louisiana Divorce Mediator may suggest alternative solutions to resolving conflicts. The Louisiana Divorce Mediator encourages divorcing parties think "outside of the box" for possible solutions, enabling divorcing parties to find the avenue to dispute resolution that suits them best.

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Louisiana Legal Rights - Louisiana LEGAL AID

Qualities of a Good Louisiana Divorce Mediator

Louisiana Divorce Mediators come from many different backgrounds and have varied life experiences. A good Louisiana Divorce Mediator has the right mix of acquired skills, training, education, experience and natural abilities to resolve the specific dispute.

A good Louisiana Divorce Mediator will have:
Overall people skills.
Good verbal and listening skills.
Thinks outside the box.
Helps people work together as a team.
Impartial and neutral.
Respect and politeness.
The ability to gain confidence.
Knowledge of the mediation process.
Balanced approach to control of the process.
Keeps information confidential.
Ability to remain calm under pressure.

The most important skills and abilities include impartiality, the abilities to communicate, and ability to define and clarify legal rights issues. It is advisable to interview several Louisiana Divorce Mediators before selecting the best mediator for your divorce. Find Louisiana Mediator Locate Mediator Directory .

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Louisiana Divorce